Master 2, Grande Ecole Program at EM Normandie

Work-study programs, an opportunity to gain professional experience

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Her background

After graduating from the Lycée Jean Prévost in Montivilliers in 2017, I entered the DUT Marketing Techniques at the IUT. Then, I continued my education with the Bachelor in International Management at EM Normandie (alternating option). Today, I am in a master 2 at EM Normandie in alternation.

The work-study program, an opportunity to gain professional experience while continuing my studies

I wanted to enter the world of work, but it was important for me to obtain a master's degree. So I combined the two by choosing a work-study program. I recently started working as a business manager for the Adecco group. I chose this company for all the future prospects it offers. It's not just a temporary employment agency, it's an agency that has solutions for the jobs of tomorrow.

Le Havre is my home ! 

I have always lived here. I love this city and all the new attractions that have been put in place over the past few years. And recently, I have a real passion for Lime scooter rides.

What's next ?

After my Master 2, I hope to sign a permanent contract with the Adecco group.