
Discover the list of everyday tips to make the most of student life in Le Havre!

Urban displacement

Lia annual subscriptions give access to buses, trams and also the funicular. For young people aged 20 to 28, these annual subscriptions cost €20 per month (or €240 per year). For scholarship students, the annual subscription increases to €18.75 per month (or €225 per year).

More info on LiA (

For a classic bike, the subscription is free, only a deposit of €200 is required.

For an electrically assisted bicycle, the monthly subscription is €24 with a deposit of €1000. For Lia annual subscribers, the monthly subscription increases to €10.

Bike rental lasts a maximum of 1 year. Afterwards, you must renew the contract with the Lia Vélo agency.

More information on : Accueil LiAvélos - LiA (

From 12:30 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. (6:15 a.m. on Sundays), LiA de Nuit takes over the transportation! This is a shuttle service that operates every night of the year by reservation. Very easy to access, students just need to book their journey up to 30 minutes in advance, via the mobile application, indicate the starting point, the arrival point as well as the number of people concerned . This service is accessible upon simple presentation of a LiA transport ticket.

Book your trip on : LiA de nuit - LiA (

The student car parking subscription is only €10 per month !

La Roue Libre Association: maintaining your bike

Bicycle repair workshops are organized every first Wednesday of each month at the University of Le Havre Normandy. The La Roue Libre association offers easy and inexpensive solutions for maintaining your bike! It organizes various activities, including a cycle-cultural café, to encourage exchanges and share convivial moments.


KAPS by AFEV allow young people to live in shared accommodation and get involved in working-class neighborhoods, through projects that create links between residents.

The Le Havre Association for Student Housing is a unique system in France which labels accommodation for students (2000 labeled beds).

Find these accommodations on the site : Ahloet

The “Pass'logement” is a system which aims to encourage young people aged 18 to 25 who are moving into accommodation, to equip themselves with associations or integration companies recycling household appliances and second-hand furniture. The aid worth €150 is valid for 6 months at Secours populaire, at Le Grenier, etc.

More info on : Pass’logement (

MOBILI-JEUNE assistance is housing assistance covering part of the rent for young people under 30, apprentices and work-study workers in a company in the non-agricultural private sector. The amount of MOBILI-JEUNE aid can vary from a minimum of €10 per month to a maximum of €100. The amount of aid is capped at €1,100 per year of training over 11 monthly payments and can be requested over a maximum of two years of training. The calculation is made on the rent after deduction of housing assistance (APL).

More info on : L’AIDE MOBILI-JEUNE® | Action Logement


To find accommodation

To support young people in their search for housing, in 2023, the Urban Community has deployed the site : Logement Jeunes (


The Les Mouettes Solidaires association aims to provide everyone with access to healthy, quality food by favoring local products that respect the environment and people. It sets up solidarity baskets and all other solidarity actions, particularly among students.

Twice a month, workshops are organized to teach young people how to cook, taking into account the equipment they have in their accommodation.

Graine en main is a system offering “solidarity baskets”, that is to say organic vegetable baskets at a very attractive price for students.

The “Tablées de Quartier” association cultivates social bonds around the preparation of meals made from local products. For a high-quality meal, count on €10 to €15 at Hangar Zéro, a citizen laboratory for ecological transition.

The Agoraé is a space for exchanges and solidarity which consists of a living space open to all and a solidarity grocery store. Supported by the Fed'LH, with the financial support of the city of Le Havre, the Agoraé currently has 50 beneficiaries who have the opportunity to purchase quality products at 10% of their price (canned goods, fresh products, hygiene…). The average cost of the shopping basket is €1.50. A laundromat was attached to the grocery store.


The city of Le Havre offers free daily sports sessions throughout the year, including varied activities such as Urban training.

Discover the program

Mon coach sportif 2023-2024.pdf

On the program every summer, free activities for all ages, all levels in all neighborhoods to get in shape.
In July and August, the city offers sports initiations every day, open to all, supervised by qualified sports instructors.
Alone, with family or friends, you will discover varied and fun activities throughout the city.

  • By the sea (Beach Sports Area, Maritime baths.....)
  • In the swimming pools of Mare-Rouge, Edouard Thomas and Cours de la République and at Bassin du Commerce
  • In parks and gardens (Montgeon Forest Park, Hanging Gardens, Square Saint-Roch, etc.)
  • Throughout the city (Pôle Simone Veil, Polygone, Maximilien Robespierre gymnasium......)

You can register for the activities online at this link or on site at the Cabane Lhété en forme located next to the skatepark and at the activity locations.

Studying on a seaside campus offers the opportunity to practice water sports. During the summer, introductions to paddle boarding, sports rescue and sea swimming are free. In addition, students benefit from reduced rates for rental of nautical equipment such as canoes, at a price of €5. In addition, a free loan service for equipment, such as rackets, balls and mini golf clubs, at the beach and in the forest is offered.

Students can benefit from reduced rates for access to municipal swimming pools (€2.50 instead of €3.50). Every summer, all swimming pools are even accessible at the single rate of €1.

The Le Havre ice rink offers reduced prices for students (€4.20 instead of €5.80).

To support the HAC in league 1, students can benefit from reduced rates thanks to the “Band of friends” offer.

More information on : Billetterie Officielle du Havre AC (

Outings and culture

Each year, the cultural service, in partnership with CROUS Normandie, offers all Campus students the opportunity to learn about various artistic practices through workshops. Students can take advantage of these workshops to (re)discover the arts and creation at a single rate of €10 for the year.

The CROUS culture and campus life service in Le Havre offers free cultural programming: shows, concerts, film screenings, artistic practice workshops. In addition, in the context of teaching or a personal initiative, the service accompanies and supports student associations in their efforts and can grant, after study of the project, financial support.

The city of Le Havre offers free access to all its museums for those under 26!

In 2023, the urban community voted to make all its guided tours and activities free for students. In total, more than 1500 proposals are scheduled all year round, to discover the Land of art and history !

Find the program : Rendez-vous du patrimoine avril-septembre 2024.pdf

At the Sirius cinema, the student rate is only €5.50 per seat!

Municipal theaters offer student rates of €6 regardless of the show in the program and an offer of €15 for 3 shows. Le Volcan, labeled national scene by the Ministry of Culture, has a student rate of €9!

The “Culture Card” allows students of the University of Le Havre to benefit from preferential rates in the university’s partner locations (cinema, theater, festivals). In addition, the university offers one-off offers with a certain number of free places on shows or concerts.

Find the offers on Carte Culture (

The culture pass allows access, from the age of 18, to a credit of €300 available for 24 months to discover and reserve cultural outings, cultural goods and digital offers (books, concerts, theaters, museums, music lessons , digital subscriptions, etc.).

The “Atouts Normandie Loisirs” card is the regional support system for cultural offerings intended for young Normans aged 15 to 25. It covers the costs necessary for practicing a sporting or artistic activity in association. To obtain the card and the associated QR Code, simply join the system (10€ membership). With this QR Code, students benefit from numerous advantages : €20 intended to purchase tickets or subscriptions to the cinema, €30 for artistic, sporting and cultural practices or even €40 to train at the BAFA for example.

The FED’LH PASS provides free access to reductions at many partner businesses in Le Havre and its surrounding areas. You can obtain it from the BDE or the FED'LH. Then, simply present it in partner stores to benefit from the reductions.

Find all the partners and offers on the site : Le Pass FED’LH (

International mobility

AMI is an international mobility aid from the Ministry of Higher Education and Research and Innovation (Aid managed by the International Relations Department). This system is intended for scholarship students based on social criteria.

  • For a departure under the Erasmus+ program: 4 monthly payments of €400, or €1,600, for one year or 2 monthly payments of €400, or €800, for one semester;
  • For a departure outside Europe: 6 monthly payments of €400, or €2,400, for one year or 3 monthly payments of €400, or €1,200.

The Erasmus+ program makes it possible to award an allowance to students of all nationalities who undertake study mobility, outside their country of origin, subject to the availability of Erasmus+ funds.

The amounts are distributed as follows :

  • €310 per month for group 1 countries;
  • €260 per month for group 2 countries;
  • €290 per month for group 3 countries.

In addition to other systems, Le Havre Normandy University has set up its own mobility assistance fund.

The Normandy Region has set up the PASS MONDE system to financially support students who have gone abroad for studies or internships as part of their university studies.

To benefit from this grant, you must be domiciled (tax household) in Normandy, and have a family quotient (reference tax income/number of shares) of less than €30,000.


And more !

The BIJ is the one-stop shop for information on all issues that young people may encounter. The welcome is friendly, open and free. Professionals answer questions and offer support to Campus students.

The FAJ was set up by the Seine-Maritime department for young people who encounter difficulties entering professional life. Each year, around 2,500 young people are supported by this system. This aid can help finance training, housing, health or mobility costs. Assistance in preparing a driving license can reach up to €1,500.

This service is a support system for student projects. Support in terms of communication, logistics and methodology is offered to student associations for cultural or sports activities projects. Around thirty projects are supported each year (e.g. Festival, races, competitions, etc.).