New higher education and student life center

Tuesday July 25, 2023 in Le Havre, Elisabeth Borne, Prime Minister, Edouard Philippe, president of Le Havre Seine Métropole and mayor of Le Havre, and Hervé Morin, president of the Normandy regional council, signed a memorandum of understanding to initiate a partnership relating to the Le Havre higher education center under the State-Region Plan Contract (CPER) 2021-2027.

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An investment of nearly 100 million euros will be dedicated to the revitalization of the Le Havre-Normandie Campus through the creation of a real estate program dedicated to higher education, research and innovation, which will be located to the south of ISEL, in the heart of the Quai Frissard peninsula. This prestigious establishment will accommodate three structures in a single building :

  • the seven IUT departments currently located in the Caucriauville district will be relocated to the city center campus,
  • a branch of ENSAM, National School of Arts and Crafts in engineering alongside ISEL (logistics) and INSA (civil engineering),
  • a place for student life and inter-establishment meetings with a university restaurant will be created.

“Our objective is to continue the development of a qualitative higher education offering in Le Havre. Today, the project to create this new structure, which will bring together the IUT, ENSAM and a student life center, in the heart of the city center university campus, will allow us to densify our training proposals in terms of 'engineering. This is excellent news, made possible thanks to the commitment of the State and the regional council, but also thanks to the determination of Le Havre stakeholders.”
Édouard PHILIPPE, mayor of Le Havre and president of the Le Havre Seine Métropole urban community

A growing campus

This project is part of the continued expansion of the Le Havre-Normandie Campus, made up of almost 14,000 students. The offer of higher education has developed in recent years with the establishment of establishments of excellence such as Science Po, INSA, the relocation of ENSM – École Nationale Supérieure Maritime and the Ecole of Management of Normandy, but also the installation of the first School 42 of Normandy.

This new global program at the heart of the city center campus will be able to accommodate a total of more than 2,200 additional students.