On 10th March, a “connected reading bench” was permanently installed on the north bank of the Seine to soon enable visitors to discover the river through its many literary evocations.

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This “Escale Littéraire de la Seine” is part of the Géoseine research programme, led by Sonia Anton, teacher-researcher in literature at the University of Le Havre Normandie. Supported by the University of Le Havre Normandie, in partnership with the universities of Rouen and Caen, the Le Havre & Rouen School of Art & Design (ESADHaR), and the National High School of Architecture of Normandy, the Géoseine research project examines the literary representations of the Seine.

Designed for the general public, this multidisciplinary project offers to experiment with the “spatialization” of literature, ie. the implementation of texts into physical space through the installation of several “Escales Littéraires de la Seine” all along the river. Géoseine also examines the interactions between various art forms, through conferences, exhibitions, and workshops, and through both scientific and artistic publications. The next edition is scheduled for next autumn.

>> Find out more the Escales Littéraires de la Seine.